Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Yea-O enjoys reading Stephen King novels

Stephen King is a well known author and I have known about him since I was in high school. An interesting piece of trivia is that, as a boy, he lived Ft Wayne Indiana, the same town my father was born in, cool eh? The novel I remember the most is Carrie, trust me the movie had nothing on the book. Then there was The Shining a suspense thriller that completely kept me on edge while reading it. I mean come on a hotel with its own personality? And I thought Psycho was weird. One of my favorite books was Christine (Signet). This is about a vintage 1958 Plymouth Fury possessed by demons that gets into a competition with a girl for the affections of its new owner.

Now, not all of King's novels were horror he had some scifi as well. For instance there is the The Dark Tower Series, about a gunslinger looking for a mysterious man in black (sounds kinda familiar doesn't it?). Lets not forget The Green Mile a wonderful masterpiece in my opinion. While it shows how good can overcome evil, it also shows how good foes not want to succumb to evil acts in order to defeat evil.

All in all I really do enjoy reading Stephen King's novels when I get the chance. If you get the chance and have not already I really do recommend that you read The Green Mile

You can order these and other Stephen King books by clicking here.

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